- help break down barriers between thematic communities,
- promote a more cohesive European research community,
- and promote FAIR and open training.
The project strives to support the federation of training catalogues using a multi-tenancy approach, and enabling cross-instance content exchange. This will allow RIs and their communities to maintain tailored catalogues with distinct identities, while simultaneously benefiting from a shared global pool of resources.
Fragmentation of resources hampers the reuse of valuable training materials
and limits the dissemination of events and learning pathways.
The main challenges of the project are i) to enable the federation of catalogues,
ii) support cross-discipline training resource exchange, and iii) celebrate and maintain
catalogue unique identity.
mTeSS-X will extend the TeSS platform by introducing multi-tenancy, allowing
multiple communities to maintain distinct training catalogues within a shared
instance, while preserving their individual identities.
It will also implement TeSS-X plugins to facilitate seamless content exchange between
catalogues implemented as separate instances.
Scientific Impact
By fostering the federation of interoperable training catalogues, mTeSS-X will significantly enhance the findability, accessibility, and reuse of high-quality training resources (FAIR principles).
Research domains
Life sciences, Photon/neutron sources-based experimental research
ALBA Synchrotron, Bioconductor, BioFAIR, ELIXIR Belgium, ELIXIR Europe, Ersilia, European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF), Helmholtz Metadata Collaboration (HMC) Hub Matter, OLS
Project team members
Carole Goble (Principle Investigator, The University of Manchester), Oliver Knodel (Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf), Finn Bacall (The University of Manchester), Phil Reed (The University of Manchester), Munazah Andrabi (The University of Manchester), Maria Doyle (University of Limerick), Hedi Peterson (TARTU ULIKOOL)